Services to get your business up
and running

Boost your business with the comprehensive training of our Booking Engine and the specialised services of 24/7 Travel Partner Desk.

Why are we your best choice for business success?

We focus on meeting 100% of our customers’ training needs in the Juniper Booking Engine ecosystem, providing the best support and training to maximise the use of our tools and services.

In addition, we collaborate with 24/7 Travel Partner Desk to offer an outsourced system management support service, including product upload and call centre services.

Get to know the phases of our training:

Our Training team, composed of 6 Juniper Booking Engine specialists, is fluent in 5 languages to deliver training effectively. They divide the training plan for our Clients into the following phases:


Training kick-off meeting.
Presentation of e-learning.
Presentation of complementary environments.

Training sessions

Delivery of the Intranet.
Calendar according to priority of modules.
Active participation.


Review of final questions.
Production release support.

Transition to Primary Support

 Transition to Primary Support for further post training.


Training kick-off meeting.
Presentation of e-learning.
Presentation of complementary environments.

Training sessions

Delivery of the Intranet.
Calendar according to priority of modules.
Active participation.


Review of final questions.
Production release support.

Transition to Primary Support

Transition to Primary Support for further post training.


Discover the most comprehensive information tools to help you optimize your training

At Juniper, we understand that training and access to accurate information are critical to the success of any business in the competitive travel market. That’s why we have developed two robust tools, Juniper E-Learning and Juniper E-Docs, designed to provide our Clients with unparalleled educational and document support.


Juniper E-Learning

Juniper E-Learning is a powerful tool available in English and Spanish designed to offer a complete and accessible educational experience, allowing users to learn at their own pace and according to their specific needs.

  • You will get detailed explanations along with instructional videos to facilitate understanding.

  • You will perform hands-on tasks that involve uploading items or products from the Juniper Booking Engine.

  • Access step-by-step instructions on how to perform specific tasks and a list of common mistakes and how to avoid them.

  • You will be able to review recordings of previous team trainer sessions focused on the module covered for additional learning.


Juniper E-Docs

It is a tool designed to provide quick and easy access to comprehensive manuals and monthly newsletters, ensuring that you always have the latest and most relevant information at your fingertips.

  • You will be provided with detailed manuals covering all aspects of the Juniper Booking Engine, ensuring you always have the guidance you need.

  • You will receive monthly newsletters to keep you informed about the latest updates, new features and usage recommendations.


The data that reflects our commitment to continuous training

Trained Clients
+ 1
Trained users
+ 1
+ 1
Training videos
+ 1
+ 1

Get to know the specialised services of 24/7 Travel Partner Desk

Thanks to Juniper’s collaboration with 24/7 Travel Partner Desk, get the best specialised services you need for the success of your business in the tourism market.

Product configuration and uploading

Set up and upload contracts with hotels and other accommodation providers, ensuring that all terms and conditions are correctly implemented.

Also, administration and updating of contracts for excursions and transfers, ensuring a varied and quality offer for your clients.

Implementation of promotions and special offers, as well as management of blackout periods to keep your inventory up to date and competitive.

Regular updates and ongoing maintenance of all contracts and products, ensuring that information is always accurate and up to date.

Call Center

Attendance and administration of all booking related requests, including making changes and handling cancellations, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience.

Provision of ongoing support to resolve any issues or disputes that may arise, ensuring that all situations are handled quickly and efficiently to maintain customer satisfaction.

Generation of detailed and regular reports on the performance and activities of the Call Centre, providing a clear and comprehensive view of the service offered and helping to identify areas for continuous improvement.

247 Emergency Service

Static Content

Management Performance​


Hotel Confirmation Number (HCN)

Maximise confidence and quality with 24/7 TPD through Juniper.

Our Training and Project Management team supports 24/7 Travel Partner Desk as a partner of this service, ensuring the quality and reliability of its services. Juniper acts as a trainer for the 24/7 TPD team, ensuring that everyone is properly trained and updated in the best practices and knowledge of the Juniper ecosystem.

Many of our Clients already use 24/7TPD's services

See Usa Tours
Restel Travel
Resort Life
OK mobility
Autentik Hotels & Travel
Action Travel
Hexion Travel
PeakPoint Global

Outsource the management of your operations and focus on growing your business.