Juniper Promotional Codes
The module that allows you to create all the offers you may imagine

The module that allows you to create all the offers you may imagine
With the Promotional code module you will be able to configure offers for any type of product, be they directly contracted or externally supplied products, and applicable on the Web as well as in the Call Center.
You may create 3 types of discount:
This discount type is also known as an Early Booking offer.
This type of discount generates a unique code for single use and it is suitable to create promotional cards and customized email campaigns.
Main differences compared to the early discounts:
Once the code has been used, in the intranet you will be able to see the booking code it was applied to, as well as the date it was applied.
This type of discount generates a code with limited use and is appropriate for mass emailing campaigns, web campaigns, etc.
Differences found with the previous discounts: